Renting a cottage is a great opportunity to get a family or group of friends together in one private space where you can make all your meals, play games and socialise in your own bubble. There’s no worries about bumping into strangers in a dining area, or having to share the dock or watercraft.
When you make plans for your get-together, make sure you choose the cottage that will accommodate all your group because every person counts.

Each listing shows the maximum number of adults and additional children permitted at the cottage. These numbers include any day visitors so please keep that in mind when booking.
Maximum occupancy is usually restricted by the rental insurance policy the owner has on the cottage, so please bear this in mind if you choose to disregard these restrictions. Should any catastrophic event occur while you are at the cottage and there are more people occupying the property than the insurance permits, the policy may invalidated in which case you may be held liable for any costs incurred.
You must list all members of your party, whether they will be staying for the duration of the rental or only a part of it. The rental agreement will limit the occupancy to the number stated on the application form, so make sure you include everyone – including children. If you are planning on having day or overnight guests and you have reached the maximum number of people permitted, you should consider renting a larger cottage.
Because of these restrictions we need to know the names and ages of all guests who will be at the cottage during the rental period.