Give the Gift of Experience this Holiday

Looking for the perfect gift for your family?
Avoiding shopping mall crowds at this time of year?
Hoping to make more family memories before the kids grow up?
Keep hearing about giving the Gift of Experience but not sure where to start?

Surprise your family with a Cottage Getaway under the tree this Christmas!

Speak with one of our reservationists to book and request a CLRM Tote to fill with goodies.  

Not sure where you or your loved ones will want to travel in 2020?  Check out our new Gift Card options for your loved ones to unwrap and spend time choosing the perfect cottage experience for your family together!

Now that you have the gift covered, here are some surprise reveal ideas for your loved ones to unwrap on Christmas morning!

Check-out our Top 6 Cottage Vacation Experience Gift Reveals below:

1. Wrap your CLRM Tote bag with things to be used on holidays – including the cottage reveal – and fill it with any of the following: beach towel, water floaties, board games, movies, a map of Ontario/Quebec, travel mugs, a favourite bottle of wine, S’mores kit, bug spray, sunscreen, fishing roads for kids, sun hats, life jackets/puddle jumpers, journals for nature walks, sand toys or a deck of cards.

2. Print a photo from the website of the cottage you’re staying at, put it in a frame with a label that says “Wish you were here? You will be < in # weeks or on date/month >!”

3. Create a photo book or collage of previous cottage or lakeside getaway photos and caption it with a message about the next adventure.

4. Leave wrapped clues in a few larger boxes with smaller items, that end with a wrapped photo of the cottage they’ve booked. They could be photos of area landmarks/attractions or activities.

5. Include your kids and even the pets in your reveal – everyone gets a holiday card with one word in it and they have to put them together to make a sentence that says something along the lines of: “We’re going to <include cottage name here> this <include date/month here>!”

6. Get chocolate letters that spell C-O-T-T-A-G-E, wrap them individually and place them under the tree. Let your family unwrap them and unscramble the letters to figure out what it means!

*CLRM Totes are only available for a limited time, while supplies last.

CottageLINK Rental Management
Toll Free: 1-866 323 6698

Our Hours:
Mon-Fri 9-5
Sat-Sun 9-5

Business Address:
PO Box 39036
Columbia PO, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2T 0A7

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