What could be more fun on a hot summer’s day than a float down a lazy river, armed with only a paddle to steer the unicorn, or swan or whatever floating device you may have…and maybe a beer or two.
This is the Big East River near Huntsville and it makes an awesome trip.
Be warned though. Putting the floaties in on Williamsport Road and getting out at Arrowhead will take around 6 hours so make sure you have plenty of sunscreen and a hat. There’s a lot of places to get out and have a picnic and a swim, and in most parts of the river it’s no more than a few feet deep.
The Big East is an Oxbow river….do you remember that from school days? It’s where the river meanders and causes erosion and undercutting and eventually big loops.
The upshot of that is it can take a long time to go a very short distance, but the scenery is so rewarding it’s worth every minute.

The scenery along the way is breathtaking from towering and eroded cliffs with massive trees clinging to them; huge sandbars and areas with low-hanging trees and dense undergrowth.
Pack your iphone in a waterproof bag – there’s a few rapids and you don’t want to get it wet!
Wave to the tourists hanging over the view point way above as you get into Arrowhead Provincial Park, and you can meet your ride at the take-out just before the Hwy 11 bridge.

An alternative route is to put in at Arrowhead and float the 2 hours to get to the take out on Old North Road near the train crossing….or continue to Ravenscliffe Road (another hour).
Make sure you plan ahead and have someone pick you up at your take-out destination.
Then…well perhaps that’s a drive into Huntsville for a Taco or an ice cream.
A day well-spent.