couple sitting on a dock at sunset

Farmers’ Markets

Who doesn’t love a farmers’ market with a colourful array of local produce, or coming around the corner of a country road to find a roadside stand selling fresh blueberry pies?  You’ll feel great when you prepare the food you bought – knowing where it came from and that it was freshly harvested for all those health benefits.

Make it a point of buying local, supporting the growers and farmers in the area where you are staying.

Take some time to chat to the vendors, find out where they come from and how their produce is grown and raised. If you are passionate about organic farming in Ontario you will have some great conversations.

Ontario farmers market produce

Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect in the way of fresh produce.


For those who enjoy organically raised and pastured meat and poultry you will find local farmers with market stands. They may have limited inventory of products with them so you need to arrive early to ensure you get what you want. Most have farm-gate sales so grab a card and take a drive out to visit their farms at some time during your stay.

Fruit & Veg

It’s important to ask where the vendor comes from so you know you are buying local and not from a stand bringing veg in from Toronto. Look for stands that are only selling seasonal fruit and veg.

Here’s a few of our favourites to look out for:

May – Asparagus, fiddleheads

June – Cherries, strawberries

July – Peaches, blueberries, raspberries

August – Corn, pears, peppers, plums

September – Squash, apples, grapes, tomatoes


Jams and jellies, honey, maple syrup, pickles…you name it, there will be a stand (or several) selling home-made preserves. You won’t find tastes like these in your local supermarket! If you want genuine produce using local ingredients then the farmers’ market is the place to buy.

Take some home for you friends, or to wrap up for Xmas.

Check for the market near you at Farmer’s Markets Ontario

CottageLINK Rental Management
Toll Free: 1-866 323 6698

Our Hours:
Mon-Fri 9-5
Sat-Sun 9-5

Mailing Address:
PO Box 39036
Columbia PO, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2T 0A7

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