There are thousands of cottages available to rent in Ontario. The most popular cottage rental site lists over two thousand, and there are dozens more websites listing a whole range of cabins, cottages and waterfront homes!
It’s tough to choose, and if you don’t really know what you are looking for, or what to expect, it’s easy to make a poor decision.

Standards vary widely, from rustic cabins without hydro or running water in remote and tranquil locations, to palatial mansions on busy and popular lakes. There are rocky shorelines, sandy beaches, wide open vistas and heavily wooded hideaways. Cottages can be reached by navigating twenty kilometers of winding and undulating dirt roads, by water taxi, or can be found relatively near a major route.
Interiors can be embedded in the seventies in the heyday of orange and green cottage decor, or have been renovated to either restore the original features or to reflect city styles of modernism.
Facilities vary from the basics of an indoor washroom and cooking facilities, to the luxurious. Cottages featuring ensuite bathrooms with Jacuzzi tubs, wide screen entertainment systems, and hi- speed internet access, are becoming more common.
In fact, there is still something to fit every dream of the perfect cottage vacation.
So with this huge range of choices, just how do you start looking?